Who Are These Idiots, Exactly?
From high in the stratosphere in the Underwater Moonbase of the Apes comes original music by Trash & Kurb. A sonic junk drawer of oddities and curios containing hip-hop, alt-rock, and instrumental compositions. Rummage around until you find the musical equivalent of a sticky butterscotch covered in lint. There it is. Triple word score, bro.
Your mom loves Trash & Kurb because they're the handsomest boys in school. Conversely, the fleshly slap of their families' collective facepalm can be heard within a 2km radius, sending flocks of birds into startled flight. Yet, do whatever they say, buy whatever they sell in duplicate, and wish you were them. You can't be though. Mostly because cloning technology hasn't gotten past making melty-faced, psychotic knock-offs that resentfully maim their creators in rage-induced confusion. Also, because their money-hungry lawyers will send you a cease and desist order.
Available for ribbon-cuttings, garage sales, and backyard gender reveals.
Still Reading? Err... OK...
This Will Stop You...
So, in reality, we've been making music together, alone and with other like-minded weirdos since before the turn of a century. Truthfully. That's how we know your mom. OK, I'll stop with that...
I'll start by mentioning that I've always said: Music is like food in the sense that it either tastes good to you or it doesn't. The 'why' is irrelevant. And whether it tastes good or bad to you, you're not wrong. 'You shouldn't like this' is ridiculous. 'This flavor isn't for you' wont stop you from eating it in your private moments.
I say this because it's a metaphor that likely helps explain how all of this started.
At some point as comedic, pop-culture sponges who were REALLY into music, we decided that we needed to make our own music too. I mean, we were super into music. Hip-hop especially. We discovered it in the late 80's as children and felt like we had discovered something secret. Something special. And in fact, we had. It was kind of secret. And it definitely was special. We'd spend hours playing albums from start to finish while reading along with the lyrics or liner notes, learning about who produced what, who worked with who, and where they were from. And wonder how in the hell did they make those amazing sounds? We dug in as deep as we could.
By the time the 90's alt-rock revolution kicked into full gear, we were there too. We loved it just as much. We dug just as deep. We were never the type of dudes who wore artistic blinders and were just into one style of music. It's like, who refuses to eat shrimp or chicken just because they love steak so much? Food again.
Anyhow, we eventually started making our own music. Like most people, it was really bad at first. It reeked of us trying to sound like our idols. This typically happens the first time you write songs. But as the years passed and our abilities matured, we came into our own sound. At least, I'd like to think so. And we couldn't just make one flavor. One dish. We had to try cooking all the things we liked. Food again.
We kept making music together. We played in separate bands. Had various close brushes with success. We experimented with different genres. We took breaks. Lost touch. Reunited. All the great shit that makes an epic story worth hearing.
And now, here we are all these years later. Balancing careers and families. Grown up middle school chums forging our way through the great mystery, and just making music for the sweet release of it with no delusions of grandeur. What the hell else are we going to do? Watch TV as a hobby? Sorry. If that's your thing, it's totally cool. No judgement.
Just trying to put some love into he world with our hodge-podge of sonic nonsense. Have a taste. It's a sonic charcuterie board of nice little bites. Bound to be at least one bite you'll like.